Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Be an MVP. Earn your MBA at North Georgia

You don’t work in a vacuum. You work with other human beings, and that’s bound to present challenges every now and then.

How you handle those challenges - as a leader and a follower - will determine the success or failure of your team.

You don’t like to fail?

Then you need to understand all the complexities of being part of a team and learn the skills necessary to help your team perform at its best.

When you join North Georgia’s MBA program, you’ll move through coursework with a cohort. You’ll take classes with the same students each semester and work continually in teams, so you’ll be able to experience team dynamics first-hand.

North Georgia’s MBA curriculum also includes hands-on opportunities for you to practice teamwork. Solve complex physical problems on the ropes course while taking responsibility for your teammates and learning to trust them to be responsible for you.

Guest lectures offer opportunities to learn from real leaders what it takes to reform an underperforming team, start a new team to solve a new problem, or keep inspiring a high-performing team. Mentoring sessions from experienced leaders will help your team identify areas for improvement and ways to maximize strengths for best results.

Be your team’s MVP.
Apply to North Georgia's MBA program now.

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