Thursday, May 19, 2011

Create Your Own GMAT Study Plan

The best way to prepare for any test is to practice. You don't need expensive classes or fancy software. You just need a calendar and a pencil.

Schedule Your Practice Time

Look at your calendar. Circle the date that you're scheduled to take the test. Estimate the number of hours you'll need to study and practice to get the score you want.

Then divide those hours over the weeks (or days, if you're a procrastinator) between now and your test date. You'll feel less stressed if you plan to study 30 minutes to 2 hours every day or every other day, depending on your schedule. Don't try do marathon study sessions - you'll burn yourself out on studying and you won't retain many of the test-taking strategies you learn.

Gather Your Resources

Now that you've got a schedule, it's time to gather the tools you'll need to review the subject matter and learn strategies for taking the test. You can go to the bookstore and pick up a GMAT prep book, or you can save yourself $40 and go check one out from your local public or university library.

There are also plenty of online resources that will help you understand how the test is structured, how to prepare for the verbal and math portions, and even some sites that will allow you to take several practice tests for free. Check out these resources for study materials:

Need More than a DIY Study Plan?

Some test takers need a more structured program to prepare for the GMAT. If that sounds like you, there are several on-line and on-site study programs available, such as:
Several universities, including North Georgia, often schedule free or low-cost test prep classes. Contact North Georgia, or the school to which you're applying, to inquire about upcoming classes.

Have a Question About the GMAT?

Contact the Graduate Center at North Georgia College & State University. We can help you understand the differences between the GMAT and the GRE, find a GMAT test location, and guide you to test preparation resources that suit your needs.

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